Our Applications of Silicone Additive Manufacturing in Healthcare
Our healthcare-focused products are perfectly suited for surgical simulations, enhancing the skills and precision of medical professionals, testing and validating medical devices, or even serving as medical devices themselves.
Improved surgical precision
Surgical Risk Management
Applications Across Specialties
3D-Printed Abdominal Aorta
3D-Printed Abdominal AortaRegulatory classification: Class 1 Medical Device In March 2023, Professor Patrick Feugier, MD, PhD, Professor and researcher of vascular surgery at CHU Lyon and Director of the College of Vascular Surgery, organized an endovascular training session with his…
Advanced Training Models
Building Confidence and Precision
Elevating Patient Care
3D Anatomical Lung Model
3D-Printed Anatomical Lung ModelRegulatory classification: Class 1 medical device Revolutionizing Surgical Training and Planning with 3D Anatomical Lung Models Support for Thoracic Surgery Procedures Our 3D lung model offers a groundbreaking solution for thoracic surgical planning and training. Produced in…
3D-Printed Inert Anatomical Hand Model
3D-printed Inert Anatomical Hand ModelRegulatory classification: Class 1 Medical Device This ambitious project was spearheaded by Dr. Noé Lucchino, a resident in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery, in collaboration with Prof. Aram Gazarian, Head of Orthopedic Surgery for the Upper…